Monday, January 8, 2018

Monday Progress

OK, so I didn't win Powerball. I think I've been doing it wrong, my own personal numbers don't go high enough because they're mostly birthdates. So, next time I play (like twice a year...) it's computer pick only!

I DID make progress on beating a computer game and getting involved in politics, so there's that! There was a political event Saturday and another one Wednesday evening. I may have gotten roped into representing my community at the lowest possible level...  I obsess less about what is going on at the national level if I feel like I'm taking care of business here at home.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Happy New Year

Yes, I'm doing resolutions. I don't take them too seriously or get down on myself if I don't entirely follow through. But, why not use a readily available excuse to throw some intention at my goals?

As noted on this blog, I'm still working toward a horse. Last year we hung a tube gate! It may not sound like much, but it is a tangible sign of progress.

So, first thing in the spring I'm going to buy and drive some T posts.

Toward that end, I'm going to beat any video games and read any books I have hanging out there prior to spring. That will free up my discretionary time.

There is one other major item on my list that has nothing to do with the equine...  Politics. I was always a Presidential voter, but I admit to giving a big shrug whenever it came to the midterms, or whenever/wherever down-ballot candidates were concerned. My real political awakening started with Bush v. Gore. In 2000 the closeness and drama of the race lead me to a startling conclusion. Maybe my fair-weather participation wasn't enough.

So, in 2004 I caucused for Howard Dean. I voted for Kerry. Bush won. Disgusted, I thought maybe caucusing wasn't enough. In 2008 I caucused for Hillary Clinton, voted for Obama and he won. I was very happy to see him sworn in. I have my beefs with Obama, but he is a fine representative of what I think a President should be.

Well, I caucused for Hillary again in 2016 and we all know how that ended. In January I started marching, for women and for science. I went to a Planned Parenthood rally, participated in a phone canvassing group, went to a town hall, joined my local Indivisible group, and called my representative several times. I took a lunch break to protest for Net Neutrality. I watched more C-SPAN and learned the names of more Senators/Representatives than ever before in my life.

My husband and I have a babysitter on stand-by in case we need to hit the streets for something urgent and imminent (namely, if Mueller is ousted).

So, I'm among tens of thousands of Americans who are adding political activism to our resolution lists. I'm going to help elect a Democrat and flip my congressional district blue!

Last but not least, I'm going to win Powerball.

Friday, September 30, 2016


  • Fence posts in place around the front acre
  • Attended a 2 day horse camp and had many firsts!
Next up...
  • retrieve helmet from horse camp where I left it
  • continue reading
  • save up for fencing, gravel, run in shed, etc.
  • more lessons?

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Second "Child"

I always thought my parents did pretty well by having two children, no more and no less. I thought it sounded like a good idea for my own life.

Before we married, the Skeptic and I discussed the subject and he said he did not want children. He felt overpopulation of the planet was a problem. I convinced him that if we only had one we wouldn't be replacing both of us and thus we'd still be doing our part. He agreed, our lives continued to entwine, and near a decade later we had the Bug.

I wondered if I would feel pangs for a second child. Mostly, our little Bug is all we could ever hope for and all we could ever handle wrapped up in one amazing package. I couldn't even conceive (haha) of having another. Though I did occasionally look wistfully at families with more than one.

Recently though, I found a way to look at the subject with fresh eyes. It is really very simple and elegant. My second child will have hooves. The dedication, investment, and time will only be somewhat less than what would be required for a child anyway. 

Admittedly, I haven't asked the Bug how she feels about having an equine brother or sister...

Thursday, May 29, 2014

First Post

New blog, first post, blank canvas.

I'm a n00b, I need confidence, I need information, and I need infrastructure if I'm to find and support a friend with hooves. But, I'm closer now than I've ever been in my life.

I hope this blog at least begins as an example of taking the responsible road to horse ownership. I'm doing my homework and getting my ducks in a row. It will be a while before hooves actually hit this blog. But, I'm moving in the right direction.

My track record for blog writing does not inspire optimism. But, I'm making a start.